

Core of BMS. All content of this file is imported by bms, and is therefore in bms

This file defines the base of BMS.

class bms.core.Block(inputs, outputs, max_input_order, max_output_order)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class of block: this class should not be instanciate directly

InputValues(it, nsteps=None)[source]

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)[source]
Solve(it, ts)[source]
class bms.core.DynamicSystem(te, ns, blocks=[])[source]

Bases: object

Defines a dynamic system that can simulate itself

  • te – time of simulation’s end
  • ns – number of steps
  • blocks – (optional) list of blocks defining the model

Add the given block to the model and also its input/output variables


name_file: name of the file without extension. The extension .bms is added by function

VariablesValues(variables, t)[source]

Returns the value of given variables at time t. Linear interpolation is performed between two time steps.

  • variables – one variable or a list of variables
  • t – time of evaluation

Loads a model from specified file

exception bms.core.ModelError(message)[source]

Bases: Exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class bms.core.PhysicalBlock(physical_nodes, nodes_with_fluxes, occurence_matrix, commands, name)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class to inherit when coding a physical block

class bms.core.PhysicalNode(cl_solves_potential, cl_solves_fluxes, node_name, potential_variable_name, flux_variable_name)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class

class bms.core.PhysicalSystem(te, ns, physical_blocks, command_blocks)[source]

Bases: object

Defines a physical system

class bms.core.Signal(names)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Variable

Abstract class of signal

class bms.core.Variable(names='variable', initial_values=[0], hidden=False)[source]

Bases: object

Defines a variable

Parameters:names – Defines full name and short name.

If names is a string the two names will be identical otherwise names should be a tuple of strings (full_name,short_name)

Parameters:hidden – inner variable to hide in plots if true



Collection of mathematical function signals

class bms.signals.functions.Ramp(name='Ramp', amplitude=1, delay=0, offset=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

Create a Ramp with a certain amplitude, time delay and offset.

f(t) = amplitude \times (t - delay) + offset

  • name (str) – The name of this signal.
  • amplitude – The angular coefficient of the Ramp function.
  • delay – The horizontal offset of the function.
  • offset – The vertical offset of the function.
class bms.signals.functions.SignalFunction(name, function)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

Create a signal based on a function defined by the user.

  • name (str) – The name of this signal.
  • function – A function that depends on time.
class bms.signals.functions.Sinus(name='Sinus', amplitude=1, w=1, phase=0, offset=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

Create a Sine wave with a certain amplitude, angular velocity, phase and offset.

f(t) = amplitude \times sin(\omega \times t + phase) + offset

  • name (str) – The name of this signal.
  • amplitude – The amplitude of the sine wave.
  • w – The angular velocity of the sine wave (\omega).
  • phase – The phase of the sine wave.
  • offset – The vertical offset of the function.
class bms.signals.functions.Step(name='Step', amplitude=1, delay=0, offset=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

Create a Step with a certain amplitude, time delay and offset.

f(t) = amplitude \times u(t - delay) + offset


u(t) =
    0, & \textrm{if } t < 0

    1, & \textrm{if } t \geq 0

  • name (str) – The name of this signal.
  • amplitude – The height of the step function.
  • delay – The time to wait before the function stops being zero.
  • offset – The vertical offset of the function.

WLTP signals

WLTP signals

class bms.signals.wltp.WLTP1(name)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

WLTP classe 1 cycle Caution! speed in m/s, not in km/h!

class bms.signals.wltp.WLTP2(name)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

WLTP classe 2 cycle Caution! speed in m/s, not in km/h!

class bms.signals.wltp.WLTP3(name)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Signal

WLTP classe 3 cycle Caution! speed in m/s, not in km/h!



Continuous Blocks

Collection of continuous blocks

class bms.blocks.continuous.DifferentiationBlock(input_variable, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.blocks.continuous.ODE

Creates an ODE block that performs differentation of the input relative to time.

output = \frac{d[input]}{dt}

  • input_variable – This is the input or list of inputs of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
Evaluate(it, ts)
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.Division(input_variable1, input_variable2, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a division between its inputs.

output = \frac{input1}{input2}

  • input_variable1 (Variable) – This is the first input of the block, the dividend.
  • input_variable2 (Variable) – This is the second input of the block, the divisor.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block, the quotient.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.FunctionBlock(input_variable, output_variable, function)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

This defines a custom function over the input(s).

output = f(input)

  • input_variable – This is the input or list of inputs of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
  • function – This is the function that takes the inputs and returns the output.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.Gain(input_variable, output_variable, value, offset=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a gain operation.

output = (value \times input) + offset

  • input_variable (Variable) – This is the input of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
  • gain – This is what multiplies the input.
  • offset – This is added to the input after being multiplied.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.IntegrationBlock(input_variable, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.blocks.continuous.ODE

Creates an ODE block that performs integration of the input over time.

output = \int_{0}^{t} input\ dt

  • input_variable – This is the input or list of inputs of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
Evaluate(it, ts)
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.ODE(input_variable, output_variable, a, b)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines an ordinary differential equation based on the input.

a, b are vectors of coefficients so that H, the transfer function of the block, can be written as:

H(p) = \frac{a_i p^i}{b_j p^j}

with Einstein sum on i and j, and p is Laplace’s variable.

For example, a=[1], b=[0,1] is an integration, and a=[0,1], b=[1] is a differentiation.

  • input_variable (Variable) – This is the input of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
  • a – This is the a vector for the transfer function.
  • b – This is the b vector for the transfer function.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.Product(input_variable1, input_variable2, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a multiplication between its inputs.

output = input_1 \times input_2

  • input_variable1 (Variable) – This is the first input of the block, one factor.
  • input_variable2 (Variable) – This is the second input of the block, another factor.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block, the product.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.Subtraction(input_variable1, input_variable2, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a subtraction between its two inputs.

output = input_1 - input_2

  • input_variable1 (Variable) – This is the first input of the block, the minuend.
  • input_variable2 (Variable) – This is the second input of the block, the subtrahend.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block, the difference.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.Sum(inputs, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a sum over its inputs.

output = \sum{input_i}

  • input_variable (list[Variables]) – This is the list of inputs of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.continuous.WeightedSum(inputs, output_variable, weights, offset=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a weighted sum over its inputs.

output = \sum{w_i \times input_i}

  • input_variable (list[Variables]) – This is the list of inputs of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
  • weights – These are the weights that are multiplied by the elements of the input.
  • offset – This offset is added to the final result.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)

Non-linear Blocks

Collection of non-linear blocks

class bms.blocks.nonlinear.Coulomb(input_variable, speed_variable, output_variable, max_value, tolerance=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Return coulomb force under condition of speed and sum of forces (input)

Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.nonlinear.CoulombVariableValue(external_force, speed_variable, value_variable, output_variable, tolerance=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Return coulomb force under condition of speed and sum of forces (input) The max value is driven by an input

Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.nonlinear.Delay(input_variable, output_variable, delay)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Simple block to delay output with respect to input.

Parameters:delay – a delay in seconds
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.nonlinear.RegCoulombVariableValue(external_force, speed_variable, value_variable, output_variable, tolerance=0)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Return coulomb force under condition of speed and sum of forces (input) The max value is driven by an input

Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.nonlinear.Saturation(input_variable, output_variable, min_value, max_value)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a saturation block.

output =
    min\_value, & \textrm{if } input < min\_value

    max\_value, & \textrm{if } input > max\_value

    input, & \textrm{if } min\_value \leq input \leq max\_value

  • input_variable (Variable) – This is the input of the block.
  • output_variable (Variable) – This is the output of the block.
  • min_value – This is the lower bound for the output.
  • max_value – This is the upper bound for the output.
Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)
class bms.blocks.nonlinear.Sign(input_variable, output_variable)[source]

Bases: bms.core.Block

Defines a sign operation on the input.

output =
-1, & \textrm{if } input < 0

0, & \textrm{if } input = 0

1, & \textrm{if } input > 0

Evaluate(it, ts)[source]
InputValues(it, nsteps=None)

Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs

OutputValues(it, nsteps=None)
Solve(it, ts)