Source code for bms.signals.functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Collection of mathematical function signals

from bms import Signal
import numpy as np

[docs]class Step(Signal): """Create a Step with a certain amplitude, time delay and offset. .. math:: f(t) = amplitude \\times u(t - delay) + offset where .. math:: u(t) = \\begin{cases} 0, & \\textrm{if } t < 0 1, & \\textrm{if } t \\geq 0 \\end{cases} Args: name (str): The name of this signal. amplitude: The height of the step function. delay: The time to wait before the function stops being zero. offset: The vertical offset of the function. """ def __init__(self, name='Step', amplitude=1, delay=0, offset=0): Signal.__init__(self, name) def function(t): if t < delay: return offset else: return amplitude + offset self.function = function
[docs]class Ramp(Signal): """Create a Ramp with a certain amplitude, time delay and offset. .. math:: f(t) = amplitude \\times (t - delay) + offset Args: name (str): The name of this signal. amplitude: The angular coefficient of the Ramp function. delay: The horizontal offset of the function. offset: The vertical offset of the function. """ def __init__(self, name='Ramp', amplitude=1, delay=0, offset=0): Signal.__init__(self, name) def function(t): if t < delay: return offset else: return (t-delay) * amplitude + offset self.function = function
unit_ramp = Ramp(amplitude = 1, name='Unit ramp')
[docs]class Sinus(Signal): """Create a Sine wave with a certain amplitude, angular velocity, phase and offset. .. math:: f(t) = amplitude \\times sin(\\omega \\times t + phase) + offset Args: name (str): The name of this signal. amplitude: The amplitude of the sine wave. w: The angular velocity of the sine wave (:math:`\\omega`). phase: The phase of the sine wave. offset: The vertical offset of the function. """ def __init__(self, name='Sinus', amplitude=1, w=1, phase=0, offset=0): Signal.__init__(self, name) self.function = lambda t: amplitude * np.sin(w * t + phase) + offset
[docs]class SignalFunction(Signal): """Create a signal based on a function defined by the user. Args: name (str): The name of this signal. function: A function that depends on time. """ def __init__(self, name, function): Signal.__init__(self, name) self.function = function