Source code for bms.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Core of BMS. All content of this file is imported by bms, and is therefore in bms

This file defines the base of BMS. 


import numpy as np
#import numpy.random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import math
import networkx as nx
import dill
from scipy.optimize import fsolve, root, minimize
#import cma

[docs]class Variable: """ Defines a variable :param names: Defines full name and short name. If names is a string the two names will be identical otherwise names should be a tuple of strings (full_name,short_name) :param hidden: inner variable to hide in plots if true """ def __init__(self, names='variable', initial_values=[0], hidden=False): if type(names) == str: = names self.short_name = names else: try: self.short_name = names[1] = names[0] except: raise TypeError self.initial_values = initial_values self._values = np.array([]) self.max_order = 0 self.hidden = hidden def _InitValues(self, ns, ts, max_order): self.max_order = max_order self._values = self.initial_values[0]*np.ones(ns+max_order+1) self._ForwardValues() def _ForwardValues(self): pass def _get_values(self): return self._values[self.max_order:] values = property(_get_values)
[docs]class Signal(Variable): """ Abstract class of signal """ def __init__(self, names): if type(names) == str: = names self.short_name = names else: try: self.short_name = names[1] = names[0] except: raise TypeError self._values = np.array([]) self.max_order = 0 self.hidden = False def _InitValues(self, ns, ts, max_order): self.max_order = max_order self._values = np.zeros(ns+max_order+1) for i in range(ns+1): self._values[i+max_order] = self.function(i*ts) self._ForwardValues() self.initial_values = [self._values[0]] def _ForwardValues(self): """ Implementation for problems with derivative conditions on variables """ pass
[docs]class Block: """ Abstract class of block: this class should not be instanciate directly """ def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, max_input_order, max_output_order): self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self.n_inputs = len(inputs) self.n_outputs = len(outputs) for variable in inputs: self._AddInput(variable) for variable in outputs: self._AddOutput(variable) # self.input_orders= # self.output_orders=output_orders self.max_input_order = max_input_order self.max_output_order = max_output_order self.max_order = max(self.max_input_order, self.max_output_order) def _AddInput(self, variable): """ Add one more variable as an input of the block :param variable: variable (or signal as it is also a variable) """ if isinstance(variable, Variable): self.inputs.append(variable) else: print('Error: ',, variable, ' given is not a variable') raise TypeError def _AddOutput(self, variable): """ Add one more variable as an output of the block :param variable: variable (or signal as it is also a variable) """ if isinstance(variable, Variable): self.outputs.append(variable) else: print(variable) raise TypeError
[docs] def InputValues(self, it, nsteps=None): """ Returns the input values at a given iteration for solving the block outputs """ if nsteps == None: nsteps = self.max_input_order # print(self,it) # Provides values in inputs values for computing at iteration it I = np.zeros((self.n_inputs, nsteps)) for iv, variable in enumerate(self.inputs): # print(it-self.max_input_order+1,it+1) # print(variable._values[it-self.max_input_order+1:it+1]) I[iv, :] = variable._values[it-nsteps+1:it+1] return I
[docs] def OutputValues(self, it, nsteps=None): # Provides values in inputs values for computing at iteration it if nsteps == None: nsteps = self.max_output_order O = np.zeros((self.n_outputs, nsteps)) for iv, variable in enumerate(self.outputs): O[iv, :] = variable._values[it-nsteps:it] return O
[docs] def Solve(self, it, ts): step_outputs = self.Evaluate(it, ts) for i, step_output in enumerate(step_outputs): self.outputs[i]._values[it] = step_output
[docs]class ModelError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return 'Model Error: '+self.message
[docs]class DynamicSystem: """ Defines a dynamic system that can simulate itself :param te: time of simulation's end :param ns: number of steps :param blocks: (optional) list of blocks defining the model """ def __init__(self, te, ns, blocks=[]): self.te = te self.ns = ns self.ts = self.te/float(self.ns) # time step self.t = np.linspace(0, self.te, num=ns+1) # Time vector self.blocks = [] self.variables = [] self.signals = [] self.max_order = 0 for block in blocks: self.AddBlock(block) self._utd_graph = False # True if graph is up-to-date
[docs] def AddBlock(self, block): """ Add the given block to the model and also its input/output variables """ if isinstance(block, Block): self.blocks.append(block) self.max_order = max(self.max_order, block.max_input_order-1) self.max_order = max(self.max_order, block.max_output_order) for variable in block.inputs+block.outputs: self._AddVariable(variable) else: print(block) raise TypeError self._utd_graph = False
def _AddVariable(self, variable): """ Add a variable to the model. Should not be used by end-user """ if isinstance(variable, Signal): if not variable in self.signals: self.signals.append(variable) elif isinstance(variable, Variable): if not variable in self.variables: self.variables.append(variable) else: raise TypeError self._utd_graph = False def _get_Graph(self): if not self._utd_graph: # Generate graph self._graph = nx.DiGraph() for variable in self.variables: self._graph.add_node(variable, bipartite=0) for block in self.blocks: self._graph.add_node(block, bipartite=1) for variable in block.inputs: self._graph.add_edge(variable, block) for variable in block.outputs: self._graph.add_edge(block, variable) self._utd_graph = True return self._graph graph = property(_get_Graph) def _ResolutionOrder(self, variables_to_solve): """ return a list of lists of tuples (block,output,ndof) to be solved """ # Gp=nx.DiGraph() # # for i in range(nvar): # Gp.add_node('v'+str(i),bipartite=0) # # for i in range(neq): # Gp.add_node('e'+str(i),bipartite=1) # for j in range(nvar): # if Mo[i,j]==1: # Gp.add_edge('e'+str(i),'v'+str(j)) Gp = nx.DiGraph() for variable in self.variables: Gp.add_node(variable, bipartite=0) for block in self.blocks: for iov, output_variable in enumerate(block.outputs): Gp.add_node((block, iov), bipartite=1) Gp.add_edge((block, iov), output_variable) Gp.add_edge(output_variable, (block, iov)) for input_variable in block.inputs: if not isinstance(input_variable, Signal): Gp.add_edge(input_variable, (block, iov)) # for n1,n2 in M.items(): # Gp.add_edge(n1,n2) sinks = [] sources = [] for node in Gp.nodes(): if Gp.out_degree(node) == 0: sinks.append(node) elif Gp.in_degree(node) == 0: sources.append(node) G2 = sources[:] for node in sources: for node2 in nx.descendants(Gp, node): if node2 not in G2: G2.append(node2) if G2 != []: print(G2) raise ModelError('Overconstrained variables') G3 = sinks[:] for node in sinks: for node2 in nx.ancestors(Gp, node): if node2 not in G3: G3.append(node2) if G3 != []: raise ModelError('Underconstrained variables') # vars_resolvables=[] # for var in vars_resoudre: # if not 'v'+str(var) in G2+G3: # vars_resolvables.append(var) # G1=Gp.copy() # G1.remove_nodes_from(G2+G3) # # M1=nx.bipartite.maximum_matching(G1) # G1p=nx.DiGraph() # # G1p.add_nodes_from(G1.nodes()) # for e in G1.edges(): # # equation vers variable # if e[0][0]=='v': # G1p.add_edge(e[0],e[1]) # else: # G1p.add_edge(e[1],e[0]) # # print(len(M)) # for n1,n2 in M1.items(): # # print(n1,n2) # if n1[0]=='e': # G1p.add_edge(n1,n2) # else: # G1p.add_edge(n2,n1) scc = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(Gp)) # pos=nx.spring_layout(G1p) # plt.figure() # nx.draw(G1p,pos) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(G1p,pos) # print(scc) if scc != []: C = nx.condensation(Gp, scc) isc_vars = [] for isc, sc in enumerate(scc): for var in variables_to_solve: if var in sc: isc_vars.append(isc) break ancestors_vars = isc_vars[:] for isc_var in isc_vars: for ancetre in nx.ancestors(C, isc_var): if ancetre not in ancestors_vars: ancestors_vars.append(ancetre) order_sc = [sc for sc in nx.topological_sort( C) if sc in ancestors_vars] order_ev = [] for isc in order_sc: # liste d'équations et de variables triées pour être séparées evs = list(scc[isc]) # print(evs) # levs=int(len(evs)/2) eqs = [] var = [] for element in evs: if type(element) == tuple: eqs.append(element) else: var.append(element) order_ev.append((len(eqs), eqs, var)) return order_ev raise ModelError
[docs] def Simulate(self, variables_to_solve=None): if variables_to_solve == None: variables_to_solve = [ variable for variable in self.variables if not variable.hidden] order = self._ResolutionOrder(variables_to_solve) # Initialisation of variables values for variable in self.variables+self.signals: variable._InitValues(self.ns, self.ts, self.max_order) # ============================================================================== # Enhancement to do: defining functions out of loop (copy args)s # ============================================================================== # print(order) residue = [] for it, t in enumerate(self.t[1:]): for neqs, equations, variables in order: if neqs == 1: equations[0][0].Solve(it+self.max_order+1, self.ts) else: # x0=np.zeros(neqs) x0 = [equations[i][0].outputs[equations[i][1]]._values[it + self.max_order] for i in range(len(equations))] # print('===========') def r(x, equations=equations[:]): # Writing variables values proposed by optimizer for i, xi in enumerate(x): equations[i][0].outputs[equations[i][1] ]._values[it+self.max_order+1] = xi # Computing regrets r = [] # s=0 for ieq, (block, neq) in enumerate(equations): # print(block,it) # print(block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts).shape) # print(block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts),block) r.append(x[ieq]-block.Evaluate(it + self.max_order+1, self.ts)[neq]) # print(block) # print('xproposed:',x[ieq]) # print('block eval',block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) # print('value', x[ieq]-block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) # s+=abs(x[ieq]-block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) # print(x[ieq],block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) return r def f(x, equations=equations[:]): # Writing variables values proposed by optimizer for i, xi in enumerate(x): equations[i][0].outputs[equations[i][1] ]._values[it+self.max_order+1] = xi # Computing regrets # r=[] s = 0 for ieq, (block, neq) in enumerate(equations): # print(block,it) # print(block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts).shape) # print(block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts),block) # r.append(x[ieq]-block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) # print(block) s += abs(x[ieq]-block.Evaluate(it + self.max_order+1, self.ts)[neq]) # print(x[ieq],block.Evaluate(it+self.max_order+1,self.ts)[neq]) # return r # print(s) return s x, d, i, m = fsolve(r, x0, full_output=True)
# res=root(f,x0,method='anderson') # x=res.x # res=minimize(f,x0,method='powell') # if>1e-3: # x0=[equations[i][0].outputs[equations[i][1]]._values[it+self.max_order] for i in range(len(equations))] # x0+=np.random.random(len(equations)) # print('restart') # res=minimize(f,x0,method='powell') # # residue.append(f(res.x)) # print(r(x),i) # print(f(res.x), # f(x) # print(r) # if i!=1: # print(equations) # print(i,r(x)) # options={'tolfun':1e-3,'verbose':-9,'ftarget':1e-3} # res=cma.fmin(f,x0,1,options=options) # print(f(res[0]),r(res[0])) # print(equations) # # print(m) # if>1e-3: # print('fail', # options={'tolfun':1e-3,'verbose':-9} # res=cma.fmin(f,x0,1,options=options) # else: # print('ok') # return residue
[docs] def VariablesValues(self, variables, t): """ Returns the value of given variables at time t. Linear interpolation is performed between two time steps. :param variables: one variable or a list of variables :param t: time of evaluation """ # TODO: put interpolation in variables if (t < self.te) | (t > 0): i = t//self.ts # time step ti = self.ts*i if type(variables) == list: values = [] for variable in variables: # interpolation values.append( variables.values[i]*((ti-t)/self.ts+1)+variables.values[i+1]*(t-ti)/self.ts) return values else: # interpolation i = int(i)# Fixing bug #31 return variables.values[i]*((ti-t)/self.ts+1)+variables.values[i+1]*(t-ti)/self.ts else: raise ValueError
[docs] def PlotVariables(self, subplots_variables=None): if subplots_variables == None: subplots_variables = [self.signals+self.variables] subplots_variables = [ [variable for variable in self.signals+self.variables if not variable.hidden]] # plt.figure() fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(subplots_variables), sharex=True) if len(subplots_variables) == 1: axs = [axs] for isub, subplot in enumerate(subplots_variables): legend = [] for variable in subplot: axs[isub].plot(self.t, variable.values) legend.append( axs[isub].legend(legend, loc='best') axs[isub].margins(0.08) axs[isub].grid() plt.xlabel('Time')
[docs] def DrawModel(self): from .interface import ModelDrawer ModelDrawer(self)
[docs] def Save(self, name_file): """ name_file: name of the file without extension. The extension .bms is added by function """ with open(name_file+'.bms', 'wb') as file: model = dill.dump(self, file)
def __getstate__(self): dic = self.__dict__.copy() return dic def __setstate__(self, dic): self.__dict__ = dic
[docs]def Load(file): """ Loads a model from specified file """ with open(file, 'rb') as file: model = dill.load(file) return model
[docs]class PhysicalNode: """ Abstract class """ def __init__(self, cl_solves_potential, cl_solves_fluxes, node_name, potential_variable_name, flux_variable_name): self.cl_solves_potential = cl_solves_potential self.cl_solves_fluxes = cl_solves_fluxes = node_name self.potential_variable_name = potential_variable_name self.flux_variable_name = flux_variable_name self.variable = Variable(potential_variable_name+' '+node_name)
[docs]class PhysicalBlock: """ Abstract class to inherit when coding a physical block """ def __init__(self, physical_nodes, nodes_with_fluxes, occurence_matrix, commands, name): self.physical_nodes = physical_nodes = name self.nodes_with_fluxes = nodes_with_fluxes self.occurence_matrix = occurence_matrix self.commands = commands self.variables = [Variable(physical_nodes[inode].flux_variable_name+' from ' + physical_nodes[inode].name+' to ' for inode in nodes_with_fluxes]
[docs]class PhysicalSystem: """ Defines a physical system """ def __init__(self, te, ns, physical_blocks, command_blocks): self.te = te self.ns = ns self.physical_blocks = [] self.physical_nodes = [] self.variables = [] self.command_blocks = [] for block in physical_blocks: self.AddPhysicalBlock(block) for block in command_blocks: self.AddCommandBlock(block) self._utd_ds = False
[docs] def AddPhysicalBlock(self, block): if isinstance(block, PhysicalBlock): self.physical_blocks.append(block) for node in block.physical_nodes: self._AddPhysicalNode(node) else: raise TypeError self._utd_ds = False
def _AddPhysicalNode(self, node): if isinstance(node, PhysicalNode): if not node in self.physical_nodes: self.physical_nodes.append(node) self._utd_ds = False
[docs] def AddCommandBlock(self, block): if isinstance(block, Block): self.command_blocks.append(block) for variable in block.inputs+block.outputs: self._AddVariable(variable) else: raise TypeError self._utd_ds = False
def _AddVariable(self, variable): if isinstance(variable, Variable): if not variable in self.variables: self.variables.append(variable) self._utd_ds = False
[docs] def GenerateDynamicSystem(self): # from bms.blocks.continuous import WeightedSum G = nx.Graph() # variables={} # Adding node variables for node in self.physical_nodes: G.add_node(node.variable, bipartite=0) for block in self.physical_blocks: # print(block.variables) for variable in block.variables: # add variable realted to connection G.add_node(node.variable, bipartite=0) ne, nv = block.occurence_matrix.shape # print(block,block.occurence_matrix) # Add equations of blocs for ie in range(ne): G.add_node((block, ie), bipartite=1) for iv in range(nv): # print(iv) if block.occurence_matrix[ie, iv] == 1: if iv % 2 == 0: G.add_edge( (block, ie), block.physical_nodes[iv//2].variable) else: G.add_edge((block, ie), block.variables[iv//2]) # Adding equation of physical nodes: conservative law of node from its occurence matrix # Restricted to nodes to which are brought fluxes for node in self.physical_nodes: # linking conservative equation of flux to potential if if node.cl_solves_potential: G.add_edge(node, node.variable) if node.cl_solves_fluxes: # Linking fluxes of node G.add_node(node, bipartite=1) for block in self.physical_blocks: for inb in block.nodes_with_fluxes: # print(block,block.physical_nodes[inb].name) node_block = block.physical_nodes[inb] if node == node_block: G.add_edge( node, block.variables[block.nodes_with_fluxes.index(inb)]) # print(node_block,block.variables[inb].name) # # Draw graph for debug # pos=nx.spring_layout(G) # nx.draw(G,pos) # names={} # for node in G.nodes(): # if type(node)==tuple: # names[node]=(node[0].name,node[1]) # else: # names[node] # nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,names) # G2 = nx.DiGraph() G2.add_nodes_from(G) eq_out_var = {} for e in nx.bipartite.maximum_matching(G).items(): # print(e[0].__class__.__name__) # eq -> variable if e[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Variable': G2.add_edge(e[1], e[0]) eq_out_var[e[1]] = e[0] else: G2.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) eq_out_var[e[0]] = e[1] for e in G.edges(): if e[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Variable': G2.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) else: G2.add_edge(e[1], e[0]) # print('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') sinks = [] sources = [] for node in G2.nodes(): if G2.out_degree(node) == 0: sinks.append(node) elif G2.in_degree(node) == 0: sources.append(node) # print(sinks,sources) if sinks != []: print(sinks) raise ModelError if sources != []: print(sources) raise ModelError # Model is solvable: it must say to equations of blocks which is their # output variable # print(eq_out_var) model_blocks = [] for block_node, variable in eq_out_var.items(): # print(block_node,variable) if type(block_node) == tuple: # Blocks writes an equation model_blocks.extend( block_node[0].PartialDynamicSystem(block_node[1], variable)) else: # Sum of incomming variables at nodes # searching attached nodes variables = [] for block in self.physical_blocks: try: ibn = block.physical_nodes.index(block_node) if ibn in block.nodes_with_fluxes: variable2 = block.variables[ibn] if variable2 != variable: variables.append(variable2) except ValueError: pass # model_blocks.append(WeightedSum(variables,variable,[-1]*len(variables))) model_blocks.extend( block_node.ConservativeLaw(variables, variable)) # model_blocks.append(Gain(v1,variable,-1)) model_blocks.extend(self.command_blocks) return DynamicSystem(self.te, self.ns, model_blocks)
def _get_ds(self): if not self._utd_ds: self._dynamic_system = self.GenerateDynamicSystem() self._utd_ds = True return self._dynamic_system dynamic_system = property(_get_ds)
[docs] def Simulate(self): self.dynamic_system.Simulate()